Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ari Ferrari

The Fastest man behind the boards.
If you don't know FIND OUT!

Asleep At The Job.

Sometimes when you work in a place you love, going home to sleep seems so inconvenient to the creative process...
Pierre & Chris Science asleep in Red Lounge

Shoot for it:
6'5 Luke: fist
5'9 Phil : open hand
6'5 Luke : FUCK!!!!!!!!!!

Josh dreaming about jumping into paintings with digitally animated dogs.

Never tell people your ideas about blog posts and leave your phone laying around.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stomp On the World!

I could really use a burrito right now, Once me and Dez ran to Burrito-ville where SeƱor Andy met us with a plate of Burritos and Tacos.
I'm missing the homie he is currently out touring his record you can check dates and locations here:

Dez's Myspace Page
If you see him out Cop a CD and tell him Eibol Sent ya!

Puerto Rock Cock Car

I'm not sure which is iller, the fact they drew a buck naked man on the whip or that detail they put into the 2 stripes shaved into his melon!!!
Such a choice way to get the Na NA to sit on your hood!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening Brooklyn.

So I'll start this blog off with a few pictures....

I woke up this morning and took a look outside of my beautiful Sunset Park Brooklyn window right as the sun was coming up and saw this:
So obviously the first thing I did was run outside for a better look to see if his pockets were ran... they were, but I copped this ill ass paparazzi shot:
My man had both shoes off, one missing and a sock off!!! This man was clearly RAGING the fuck out... I co-sign all day.

Then later on in the day we caught some torrential downpour:
The wind was so bananas that it blew the garbage all over the place smacking into cars and shit...And just like that it was over. I spent the remainder of my time finishing up a mix and then I got hipped by my homeslice Lauren that she had purchased a new little human powered vehicle so I took my fixie out for a nice little 1 am ride to Bay Ridge.

Stephen: "Nice Bike".
Lauren: "What, this old thing"?

We rode around her hood for a while until we came upon this:
Apparently someone just tossed raw meat out into the street... There was no sign of pelage anywhere, which we both thought would have made it better...

We headed to a little park where I practiced my skids, which fueled the inspiration for Lauren to try:She was feeling hungry so we took it to none other than 7-11 where she stuffed her fucking face with fruit and a Polly-o string cheese, and we scored our version of Grant Woods American Gothic:
She didn't like that one so she asked to take another:
This was seconds before I warned her not to spit water in my face....
the camera clicked and then she spat water in my face, then I biked home...

Lauren you Fucking Bitch!!!